Chris and Sue

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June 15, 2010     Post 50
pics for non point pollution

manure spread on frozen ground when plants aren't actively growing can
quickly wash off into nearby creeks

erosion and siltation also can carry some nutrients into waterways

blue green algae bloom- some blue greens produce toxins that can sicken
livestock and pets if ingested

filamentous attached algae that grows on rocks also accumulates on shore

algae also piles up on bottom near shore and rots creating 'dead zones'- here
decomposing algae and methane gas are erupting

dead goby- anaerobic areas favor growth of acutely toxic botulism bacteria

dead merganser- botulism also kills birds that eat fish with the toxin in
their guts

digester- anaerobic digesters treat manure much as sewage plants deal with
human waste

engine- methane gas can be burned to power a generator as on this dairy

liquid from digester can be applied during growing season for rapid take up
and less loss by runoff so manure nutrients stay on the field

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